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Ventria Bioscience的分公司InVitria 成立的目标是为生物技术行业提供**产品,以改善细胞培养和生物制造。InVitria通过允许客户从其基于细胞的过程中消除动物成分来实现这一点。拆除这些组件有助于提高一致性,**性和效率。InVitria的产品是在我们位于堪萨斯州Junction City的生产设施中生产的重组蛋白。这些产品在生命科学行业有很多用途,包括再生医学,细胞治疗,生物制造,疫苗,诊断和医疗设备。






-  史蒂夫·佩蒂特,博士。细胞培养主任


-  质量总监Pat Smith

作为Ventria Bioscience的一个部门,InVitria可以使用Ventria董事会及其专业知识和成功历史。这些***包括:









InVitria与两家全球分销商Sigma-Aldrich和Fisher Scientific合作。我们的分销网络还包括北美,欧洲,亚洲和澳大利亚的客户的几个区域分销商。这个广泛的分销网络为我们的客户提供完整的采购,物流和产品支持选项,以*好地满足他们的需求。点击阅读更多关于我们的经销商(链接到新的经销商页面)



总裁Scott Deeter



作为Ventria Bioscience的一部分,InVitria利用Ventria公司的**重组蛋白制造技术ExpressTec。



About InVitria

InVitria –Performance. Defined.

InVitria, a division of Ventria Bioscience, was founded with the goal of providing the biotechnology industry with innovative products to improve cell culture and biomanufacturing. InVitria does this by allowing customers to eliminate animal components from their cell-based processes. Removing these components helps improve consistency, safety and efficiency. InVitria’s products are recombinant proteins that are manufactured in our manufacturing facility in Junction City, Kansas. These products have many uses across the life science industry including in regenerative medicine, cellular therapy, biomanufacturing, vaccines, diagnostics and medical devices.

Animal-components such as fetal bovine serum (FBS), bovine and human serum albumin, and bovine and human transferrin have been popular ingredients in many biological processes, but in the 1990’s scientists began searching for ways to remove serum and other animal products due to concerns about product quality, safety and animal stewardship. Animal products are undesirable because they pose a risk of transmitting infectious agents such as prions (Mad Cow Disease) and virus (HIV). In addition, animal components and blood derived products are undefined leading to high batch-to-batch variation. For these reasons, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), European Medicines Agency (EMA) and other regulatory bodies discourage use of these animal components.

To date, InVitria has developed and commercialized eight recombinant proteins and cell culture media supplements. InVitria’s product development team has an active program to expand this product line based on customer needs.

At InVitria, we are proud of our team and our partnerships.

InVitria’s team is committed to providing innovative solutions to the most pressing cell culture challenges today.

“Helping customers integrate these animal component free products to improve their processes and reach their commercial objectives is what excites me about InVitria”

– Steve Pettit, Ph.D. Director, Cell Culture

“I like working with our customer auditors who are responsible for approving InVitria as a vendor. They come from some of the most successful biopharmaceutical and life science companies in the world, so their expectations are high. Our expectations are also high and that leads to a successful outcome.”

– Pat Smith, Director, Quality

As a Division of Ventria Bioscience, InVitria has access to Ventria’s Board of Directors and their expertise and successful history. These leaders include:

  • a member of the National Academies of Science and 2003 Biotechnology Heritage Award Winner,
  • former Chairman and CEO of the largest plant biotechnology company in the world,
  • two founders of Chiron Corporation (now Novartis),
  • former President of Johnson & Johnson’s diagnostics business,
  • Chairman of PRA International, a leading clinical trial CRO,
  • the former President of Millipore’s Bioscience Division, and
  • two General Partners of leading healthcare venture capital firms.

Together, the Ventria Board of Directors have amassed over 120 years of biotechnology experience, registered over 145 patents, and published over 600 scientific papers. Click to read more about the Board of Directors

InVitria has partnered with two worldwide distributors, Sigma-Aldrich and Fisher Scientific . Our distribution network also includes several regional distributors for customers in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. This extensive distribution network provides our customers with a full compliment of purchasing, logistics and product support options to best fit their needs. Click to read more about our Distributors (Link to new distributors page)

At InVitria, we are passionate about our products and our customers.

”We are committed to provide safe, cost-effective solutions to the industry’s biggest challenges: improving productivity and enhancing consistency by removing animal derived components”

Scott Deeter, President

InVitria has several research collaborations with biopharmaceutical companies, leading Universities, the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control to further our product development and identify new product opportunities. For academic researchers, InVitria offers support through its BioShare program.

At InVitria, we are dedicated to quality and safety.

As part of Ventria Bioscience, InVitria utilizes Ventria’s patented recombinant protein manufacturing technology called ExpressTec.

“ExpressTec provides a safe, affordable and sustainable manufacturing platform for InVitria to manufacture its recombinant proteins in a completely animal-free system”

Ning Huang, Ph.D., Vice President Research and Development.

InVitria,的一个部门Ventria Bioscience,成立的目的,为生物技术产业提供**产品,提高细胞培养和生物制造。InVitria通过允许顾客消除动物组件从他们的细胞过程。删除这些组件有助于提高一致性、**性和效率。InVitria的产品是在我们的工厂生产重组蛋白在结城,堪萨斯州。这些产品有许多使用整个生命科学行业包括再生医学、细胞疗法,为生物疫苗、诊断和医疗设备。




InVitria Cell Culture Supplements

  • Cellastim Type S

    Cellastim S

    T Cell Qualified Recombinant Human Serum Albumin

    Learn More
  • Cellastim


    Defined, animal-free, recombinant albumin (rHSA)

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  • Zap-SR


    A cost effective option to reduce serum concentrations in cell culture medium

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  • Optiferrin


    Defined, animal-free, recombinant human transferrin

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  • Optimumin


    Recombinant human serum albumin that is intended as a stabilizer, diluent, surgical adhesive and cell culture media component.

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  • Lacromin


    Defined, animal-free, recombinant lactoferrin, specifically produced for use as a cell culture media supplement.

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  • ITSE

    ITSE Animal-Free

    Cell culture media supplement formulated for improved serum reduced or serum free cell growth.

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  • LIF Leukemia Inhibitory Factor


    A high performance and high quality animal component free stem cell media additive for maintaining pluripotent stem cells.

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Diagnostics and Assay Development

  • Lysobac 1100g powder - 777LYS016


    Recombinant Human Lysozyme

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Food and Feed Additives

  • LysoSure

    LysoSure is an animal component free lysozyme product that is designed to replace hen egg white lysozyme in food processing. This product is generally recognized as safe (GRAS), and has been shown to not have the allergenicity of hen egg white lysozyme.

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